Every pastor, student, and Christian should read Grant Macaskill’s Living in Union with Christ. Macaskill lucidly argues for the importance of being in Christ for the Christian life. Any account, he avers, that does not begin with “It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me” (Gal 2:20) amounts to a species of legalism because it assumes that “I” (the agent) have accomplished something apart from Christ. [Read more…] about How Important Is Union with Christ for Living the Christian Life? Answer: It Is Everything (review of Macaskill’s “Living in Union with Christ”)
Union with Christ
John Calvin on Our Mystical Union with Christ
John Calvin situates our “mystical union” with Christ with “the highest degree of importance.” By our union with Christ, we experience a “fellowship of righteousness.” This is why our imputed righteousness is not some remote thing that comes to us. We experience God’s righteousness in a personal way. We have it in mystical union with Christ. [Read more…] about John Calvin on Our Mystical Union with Christ