Christ reigns over all governments.
Christ is not waiting for politicians to submit.
Christ is not waiting for our Prime Minister to adopt biblical law so that he can be Lord of Canada.
Christ reigns. He is Lord.
He reigns through his eternal law, which is both found in Scripture and in nature. God made the world and the Bible. His imprint is in both, in different but true ways.
And when politicians break that law, either another magistrate will discipline them, or Providence will intervene in another way, or judgement will come at the throne of judgment.
But Jesus is Lord now. He reigns from sea to sea (Ps 72:8).
Jesus reigns because he rose from the dead (Acts 2:36). And God sits in heaven and laughs, while the nations rage (Ps 2:1–4). God put his king on his holy hill (Ps 2:6).
Heaven is his throne. The earth is his footstool (Isa 66:1).
He calls Assyria his axe (Isa 10:15). He turns the head and heart of the king (Prov 21:1). He raises up Pharoah (Exod 9:16). He smashes Leviathan (Isa 27:1).
Nothing can resist him. He reigns, and every knee bows or will bow at the end of the time.
That someone does not recognize their king does not mean the king does not reign. God even teaches the farmer (Isa 28:23–26).
God raises up kingdoms, strikes them down. He humiliates Nebuchadnezzar. He restores Nebuchadnezzer.
Not a square inch is excluded from our king’s rule.
He reigns forever.
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LV says
Well said.