Have you ever asked yourself why the Father sent Jesus to earth? I mean, he could have just left us to our own devices. He could have ended his creation. God could have done a lot of things. But what did he do? He sent his Son into the world to die on a cross and rise from the dead? Why? Well, there really could be a lot of ways to answer this question, but I’d like to share one answer with you from the fourth century theologian Athanasius.
Do not think that the Word wore a body since it was something natural. Instead, he was naturally without a body and existed as the Word. Yet because of Father’s love for humanity and goodness, the Word appeared to us in a human body for our salvation. (On the Incarnation, Sec. 1)
The Father’s love and goodness is why Jesus took on human flesh for us and for our salvation. Take a moment to consider who our God is. He is no mere creator who stands aloof over his creation. He is no ruthless despot. He is good, and he is loving. And he sent his son to walk in our shoes and to die in our place—for our salvation.
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