Lockdowns Reveal An Enemy, the Passions of the Flesh. We Must Live by The Spirit.
Well, that changes our Easter plans. We planned to have people over for an outdoor meal, but we cannot do that now or else face a fine. Ontario has entered into a four-week lockdown.
Churches can still meet but only at 15% of capacity. Even so, there is only so much goodwill, so much patience, and so much restriction that we can as a nation accommodate.
I am not a prophet. But this may cross the line for many an elder-board.
The biblical virtue of self-control here will be massive since we cannot turn our frustrations on one another. Sin, Satan, and the World (the system under dark influence) are whom we wage war against, not each other.
Don't take your frustration out on one another. The fruit of the Spirit is self-control.
In any case, I will worship with my church on Friday and Sunday. And with my family between the times!
Our unity is found on the Gospel through which the Spirit unites us to the body of Christ. As the body of Christ, we are one objectively.
If we let the frustrations of today to let the passions of the flesh overcome us, then we will let the flesh have its way. The fruit of the Spirit is self-control.
Make what is objectively true inform how we treat each other. Elders, leaders, and congregants, and citizens will be frustrated. Let's not let anger win; self-control must---it means the Spirit controls and leads us.
Sin, Satan, and the world want us to let the passions of the flesh rule how we feel at this very moment. Don't fall.
Stand up in hope. Easter Sunday means new life, means hope.